

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 7 months ago

The Lesbian Pulp Fiction Project

... for all things lesbian pulp fiction ...

                  arranged by Melodie Morgan Frances


"You're the only woman I've ever met that I'd be 'fem' for."-- Toni, Edge of Twilight


"That's why I dress the way I do – so the men will know and leave me alone. So
the other women like me will know and will feel free with me.'


"She'd better change her name then. She's changing her sex without permission. What the Hell – we need more men in the world."


"I wonder if – if insane people can read mail."
"Paula realized with a slight shock that she had become what people called 'queer.' How strange yet the strange thing was not the finding of what she was; it was the discovery that this knowledge of herself did not feel queer at all. To Paula, it seemed truly the most natural thing in the world." -- Paula, Three Women
This web site owes a debt of great gratitude to Barbara Grier, pioneer, documentor, collector and lover of lesbian pulp fiction. Without her tireless work in this field and in the field of lesbian literature in general we would all bestarting from a very different place!!!




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