
Ladder of Flesh

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 6 months ago

Brittain, Sloane. Ladder of Flesh.



SUMMARY: Hallie wants to have her new play produced. Angela, an older wealthy dyke is willing to foot the bill on the condition that her new love, Carole, gets a part. Ellio the director wants to marry Hallie, but Hallie is still reeling from a bad divorce that sent her into a drunken phase. The play moves forward, Carole isn't very good in her role, she seduces Hallie to keep the role, Hallie realizes that Carole is using her, and Elliot no longer wants to marry Hallie because he hates dykes (his ex-wife, don't you know, was one). The novel ends with the play moving forward withtout Carole (who has a different older dyke to look out for her) and Hallie not knowing if she is gay or straight.


OPINION: Not one of Brittain's better works. Hallie supposadely falls in love with Carole, but it's not convincing. Hallie is a likeable character as is Elliot until his homophobia gets to be too much. Wanda is sypmathetic (in fact it would have been cool tohave seem her and Hallie get together). The rest of the characters are out for themselves and not very likeable or intereseting. Lots of gratuitious sex mixed with a few moments of honesty. The second half of the book is rushed.







c2007 melodie morgan frances

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